Exchange Program: Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Poland. The exchange program (student exchange program) in Warsaw is one filled with fun and learning opportunities. As a student who have been through Erasmus Poland, it has enriched my perspective and shown me the...
What Singaporean abroad miss the most Looking back at my exchange, it is normal for Singaporean students to miss home. Family and friends are definitely part of it but let us take a look at the other 9 things that most Singaporean abroad miss the most! Singlish! Don’t...
Top questions when traveling to Warsaw City. Hello everyone, here is a list of common questions that tourist would have in mind prior to their visit to Warsaw City. I will be updating the list as time goes so feel free to ask any more questions through the...
Place of exchange: Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Warsaw, Poland Why Poland? Poland is a humble country located in central Europe with Warsaw as its capital. I’m excited to see what’s going to unfold in the coming months for my student exchange Poland as it’s my...
Oslo : The capital of Norway Period of travel : 1 Feb Recommendation : Visit only if there’s free time. Had 18 hours to spare during our stopover at Oslo to Tromso so we decided to visit Oslo sentral. Explored Oslo city for and there’s nothing much to do...