$28/mth plan – everything you need to know!
Circles.Life is the newest telco to Singapore, offering mobile plans at really attractive prices. 4GB local data + 100 min talk time only costs $28/mth! Plus, they provide zero-data usage for Whatsapp texts, and free voice calls for 10,000 mins. Unlimited Whatsapp is only applicable when consumed in Singapore. All incoming SMSes are free, but outgoing local ones cost 5¢/msg.
Sounds too good to be true? Read on this guide to Circles.life to find out what you need to know about this plan! PS. SICK PROMO CODE AT THE END.
Before you decide to purchase anything, Circles.life gives you the freedom to tweak its $28/month mobile plan by increasing the amount of data/talk time/SMS offered in the plan. This allows you to tailor the plan to your mobile habits, and only pay for what you want.
Rates: $6/GB data, $4/100 min talktime, $4/100 local SMS
Upfront Costs
There’s an upfront one-time registration fee ($4 after using promo code CIRCLESXEBUDDY), but you get to choose a free mobile number and get the SIM card delivered to your accommodation in Singapore at no cost.
Circles.Life supports credit/debit cards only. They will automatically deduct payment from the card that was used when you initially signed up. Your monthly bill will be sent to your registered email address, and you will be charged within the first 10 working days of each month. The first bill will consist of a pro-rated cost of your 1st month’s plan usage (pro-rated to the date of SIM card delivery), and also the prepayment of the plan for the 2nd month.
SIM Card delivered on 8th April 2018, first bill received on 1st May 2018
Pay-As-You-Go charges will be reflected in your following month’s bill if you exceed your plan’s data/talk time, or send SMSes.
Rates: 8¢/min talk time, 5¢/local SMS.
Instant Charges
Top ups (called Plus options) are available for local data, and outgoing/incoming calls. Upon activation, the amount will be instantly charged to your credit/debit card, and it will be reflected in the following month’s bill. If you do not deactivate your Plus option for the following months, the charge will become a monthly prepayment.
You can also easily top up data any time using the Boost option on the CirclesCare app – 500 MB (S$3.50), 1 GB ($6.00) or 2 GB ($10.00). All Boost top ups expire at the end of the monthly Billing Cycle. You will be instantly charged for purchasing a Boost, and it will be reflected in the next month’s bill.
CirclesCare App
The app provides customers with a clean interface to customize their mobile plans easily. You can also track data usage and payments via the app, or quickly receive customer service through the care section.
The app also allows you to set data roaming alerts and caps, purchase Boosts, and update personal/payment details.
What you need to sign up
Do note that passports are not accepted when signing up for a Circles.life mobile plan. You will need one of the following: NRIC/Employment Pass/11B/S-Pass/Student Pass/Work Permit/Dependent Pass/PEP/Long Term Visit Pass/EntrePass. For exchange students, you will have to get your student pass before signing up for Circles.life!
Mobile plans, revolutionized
Gone are the days when you’re forced to choose from fixed and inflexible mobile plans. Most of us want more mobile data at low prices – we hardly even use SMS now that WhatsApp/Telegram have taken over.
Circles.life is still pretty new in the telco industry, but is gaining traction over the months as the fully customizable, no-contract mobile plan attracts an increasing number of young consumers. For more information not in this guide to Circles.life, head over to the Circles.life website here!
Sign up with Exchangebuddy’s promo code – CIRCLESXEBUDDY to get $34 off the registration fee (u.p. $38), and 20GB free for 1 month! Valid till end August 2018.
Settled your mobile plan already? Check out the 10 Useful Apps To Download When You’re In Singapore!